Weight Loss Made Easy - Week 1

To be completed in the order stated.
To be completed 2-3 times per week.
Work time = The time each exercise must be performed to the best of your ability. Must try and work for entire time. Stopping only to catch a few short breaths if needed between reps.
Rest time = The time in between exercises. Use this time to catch your breath and to prepare yourself for the following exercise.
Round rest = The time in between finishing the last exercise and re-starting the first exercise on your 2nd or 3rd time through.
If you are unsure how to perform any of the exercises then please look for an instructional video online.
1. Push Ups
2. Squats
3. Crunches
4. Jumping Jacks
5. Plank
6. Upright Row (no weight, do movement and focus on contracting muscles)
Work Time = 30's
Rest time = 30's
Round rest = 1 - 2 minutes
Timer is required to keep track of the time, a great tool that can be used on your computer can be found here http://www.workmanstudybible.com/sweatshop/. Set it for rounds - 6, round time - 30's, rest time - 30's.
This weeks tip - Know Your Calories
Its basic science, you have to take in less calories than you burn to lose weight. So a great place to start is simply to know how many calories you are consuming on a day to day basis. Do you know how many calories are in a banana? bagel? cookie? handful of almonds? that portion of fries? Just educating yourself on how many calories are in the foods that you would normally consume is a great way to start the changes needed to drop any unwanted pounds.
So I challenge you to make a log of everything that you eat for the next few days and see how many calories it amounts to. If you have been gaining weight over the past year it may be more clear why if your daily totals end up far more than you thought they would. As a rough guide to where you should be aiming for the recommended guidelines for women and men are 2000 and 2500 calories a day to maintain your weight. So if you wanted to try and lose a 1lb a week you would have to aim for 1500 calories for women and 2000 calories for men. These are of course very general figures and most people will have to go a bit lower or could stay a bit higher but are a great place to start.
So there is week 1 to a healthier, happier and lighter you. Stay tuned for week 2!
New York City Personal Trainer. Offering In-Home training to the New York City area.
Weight Loss Tips [http://www.dgpersonaltraining.com/Top-Tips.php]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3481124